YouTube Video Summarizer

What is this for?

For whatever you want! Originally it was designed to know what a YouTube video is about without needing to watch it, but it can be used to extract key points and paste them into your YouTube video, to generate a description to insert somewhere (like in the video itself), to know exactly at which minute the content you're interested in is... And probably many more uses that we haven't even thought of yet!

How does it work?

It's very simple, you just need to paste the URL of the YouTube video you want to summarize and press the summarize button. In a few seconds, you'll have both the summary and the key points of the video.

What types of videos can be summarized?

Any YouTube video that has dialogues. It's also important that it has summarizable content, meaning it's not a music video, a soccer match, for example. Currently, we don't support Shorts and Lives, but we're working on it.

How long does it take to summarize a video?

It depends on the duration of the video, but it usually takes about 10-20 seconds.

How can I collaborate?

You can send us any suggestions or ideas you come up with, or if you want to collaborate more actively, you can contact us and we'll tell you more. Either way, we're happy to hear from you! You can find more information in the contact section.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us through the contact form or through our social media channels. Check the contact section for more information.

How was this made?

If you're a bit of a geek and you're interested in the topic, we're working on a new section explaining how it works technically, which will be available very soon.